
Design your online surveys easily while respecting your audience

Getting started

Create forms easily

Edit your forms by a simple drag-and-drop. The large number of available form fields will cover all your needs.


Framaforms has a number of limitations :

  • a form has a lifetime of 6 months (by default)
  • a maximum of 5,000 responses are allowed
  • an account can only have 200 forms at most

This service is offered subject to acceptance of our terms and conditions and may be moderated according to our moderation policy.

Framaforms, one of several projects

Framaforms, an emancipatory tool

The economy of your attention

The Framaforms is free, without ads or click traps. Our goal is to host a tool that serves you and does not use you.

Contrary to the adage, here, you are not the product.

Controlling your data

Framasoft collects as little data as possible.

You have complete autonomy over it.

We have no interest in tracking your behaviour, nor in exploiting it.

Respecting your freedoms

Framaforms is based a Free-libre software¹. Its code is transparent, publicly auditable and there are no hidden features.

It is built by the community, and everyone is free to fork it and lead the project in new directions.

¹ Yakforms – License GNU GPL v2

Framaforms is an installation of the free software Yakforms on the Framasoft servers. Its free license allows you to study its code, contribute to it and install it on your own server.

Why offer Framaforms?

Using Framaforms is the first step on the road to your digital autonomy.

Entrusting your data to a host implies having reasons to to trust it. Framasoft commits to clear conditions¹ to host services with respect to your integrity.

¹ see our Terms of Use and our charter

Creating a resilient ecosystem

Framasoft is one of many actors offering online services hosted with a strong ethic, with the objective of decentralisation.

To take a step further in your digital emancipation, find the same service hosted near you by one of the members of the Collective of independant, transparent, open, neutral and ethical hosters: the CHATONS!

Contributing to the digital commons

Behind a service like Framaforms there is a political proposal: exploring an alternative to surveillance capitalism by experimenting with the contribution society.

By offering uses, feedback and contributions to Yakforms, we participate in maintaining the vibrancy of a common resource.

Who is behind Framaforms?

Framaforms is proposed by a French not-for-profit association: Framasoft

Created in 2004, the association is now dedicated to popular education on the challenges of the digital age and the cultural commons. Our small structure (35 including 10) is known the De-google-ify Internet project (26 ethical and alternative online tools) and for the development of PeerTube, Mobilizon, etc. Recognized as being of general interest Framasoft is funded at 96% by your donations, which are tax deductible for French taxpayers.

Podpořte Framasoft

Protože svoboda neznamená, že je zadarmo…

Framasoft je nezisková organizace, která může fungovat jen díky vašim darům. Líbí se vám, co děláme? Myslíte si, že jdeme správným směrem? Pokud ano a můžete nám přispět, budeme vám velmi vděčni!

Balloon: Flaticon

1. Darujte společnosti Framasoft

2. Vyplňte své údaje


Ve Francii díky daňovému odpočtu ve výši , *váš dar ve výši * vás bude stát pouze €7.

3. Proveďte platbu


  • Opakované dary lze kdykoli zastavit, stačí jen se nás zeptat.
  • Pokud chcete upravit svůj opakovaný dar, prosím. kontaktujte nás, zastavíme stávající a budete moci provést nový.
  • Daňové doklady (pouze ve Francii) jsou zasílány poštou v březnu/dubnu. 2026 (před daňovým přiznáním) pro 2025 dary
  • Finanční zprávy a zprávy o činnosti naleznete na neziskové stránce
  • Pokud máte další otázky, odpovědi můžete najít tady