Savit ho furmskridoù gant ar riklañ-leuskel. Gant an niver bras a vaeziennoù a c'haller kaout e c'haller krouiñ furmskridoù evit ezhommoù a bep seurt.
Framaforms en deus un toullad bevennoù :
Kinniget e vez ar servij-mañ gant ma asantit d’hon divizoù hollek evit an implij, ha gallout a ra bezañ habaskaet hervez hor c’harta habaskaat.
Digoust eo Framaforms, hep bruderezh na trap klikoù**. Hor pal eo reiñ bod d'ur benveg a servij deoc'h ha ne implij ket ac'hanoc'h.
Amañ, en enep d'an dro-lavar, n'oc'h ket ar produ**.
Framasoft a zastum an nebeutañ a roadennoù posupl.
C'hwi an hini eo ar mestr amañ.
N’omp ket evit sellet ouzh hoc’h emzalc’h, na tennañ gounid dioutañ.
Framaforms a zo diazezet war ur meziant frank¹. Publik eo ar c'hod, na forzh piv a c'hell gwiriañ anezhañ ha n'eus arc'hweladur kuzh ebet ennañ.
Savet e vez en un doare kumuniezhel, ha pep hini a zo libr da eilañ ar raktres evit kas anezhañ war-zu hentoù nevez.
¹ Yakforms – Lañvaz GNU GPL v2
Framaforms is an installation of the free software Yakforms on the Framasoft servers. Its free license allows you to study its code, contribute to it and install it on your own server.
Using Framaforms is the first step on the road to your digital autonomy.
Entrusting your data to a host implies having reasons to to trust it. Framasoft commits to clear conditions¹ to host services with respect to your integrity.
¹ see our Terms of Use and our charter
Framasoft is one of many actors offering online services hosted with a strong ethic, with the objective of decentralisation.
To take a step further in your digital emancipation, find the same service hosted near you by one of the members of the Collective of independant, transparent, open, neutral and ethical hosters: the CHATONS!
Behind a service like Framaforms there is a political proposal: exploring an alternative to surveillance capitalism by experimenting with the contribution society.
By offering uses, feedback and contributions to Yakforms, we participate in maintaining the vibrancy of a common resource.
Framaforms is proposed by a French not-for-profit association: Framasoft
Created in 2004, the association is now dedicated to popular education on the challenges of the digital age and the cultural commons. Our small structure (35 including 10) is known the De-google-ify Internet project (26 ethical and alternative online tools) and for the development of PeerTube, Mobilizon, etc. Recognized as being of general interest Framasoft is funded at 96% by your donations, which are tax deductible for French taxpayers.
Because freedom doesn’t mean it’s free…
Framasoft is a not-for-profit which can only keep running thanks to your donations. Do you like what we do? Do you think we’re going in the right direction? If so, and you’re able to make a donation, we’d very much appreciate it!
Balloon: Flaticon
Skeudenn : David Revoy (Creative Commons By 4.0)