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CNES High-Performance Computing (HPC)/Cloud support

Your SWOT Science Team Project can be hosted on the CNES HPC/Cloud infrastructure.

How to apply:

Please complete the following form to submit your SWOT project application for consideration by the CNES HPC/Cloud support team. We will promptly review your submission and will be in touch at the earliest opportunity.

Début : 1 / 2

Contact information
Your SWOT ST Project
Is your project focused on a specific geographical region?
Do you whish to have specific confidentiality or security restrictions in place?
Technical needs
Provide specific data requirements and information about CPU and/or RAM intensive processing steps that you would like to perform on the platform
Jupyter Notebooks
Pangeo stack
work on HPC platform
Please tell us if you or team members of the project are familiar with these tools
Which programming languages are within your expertise?
Please tell us which data you would be interested in working with
Please list any specific dataset requirements that you would need on the CNES HPC/Cloud plateform : dataset(s) name(s) - approximate size
Which additional public dataset is required for your research? Please provide a precise and comprehensive list of Data provider - Dataset(s) name(s) - Dates
More information
Ne communiquez aucun mot de passe via Framaforms.